Microsoft Excel is a powerful tool that offers a many features to enhance data organization and analysis. One of the handy features is data validation, which allows you to control the type of data that users can enter into a cell. If you want to create a simple Yes/No selection in a cell, Excel’s cell data validation feature can help you achieve this in a few easy steps.

Yes/No selection in Microsoft Excel

Steps to create Yes/No Selection in a cell

Step 1: Open Your Excel Spreadsheet

Launch Microsoft Excel and open the spreadsheet where you want to add the Yes/No selection.

Step 2: Select the Cell

Click on the cell where you want to create the Yes/No selection. This cell will be the one where users can choose between “Yes” or “No.”

Step 3: Access Data Validation

Go to the “Data” tab on the Excel ribbon. In the “Data Tools” group, click on the “Data Validation” button. This will open the Data Validation dialog box.

Step 4: Configure the Data Validation Settings

In the Data Validation dialog box, make sure the “Settings” tab is active. Here’s how to configure the settings:

Allow: Select “List” from the drop-down menu. This tells Excel that the cell will have a predefined list of allowable entries.

Source: In the source field, you will specify the two options, “Yes” and “No.” Simply type “Yes, No” without the quotes into the source field.

Ignore Blank: You can choose to check this option if you want to force users to select either “Yes” or “No” and not leave the cell blank.

Input Message (optional): You can add an optional input message to provide instructions or a description for the cell. For example, you can write “Select ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ from the drop-down menu.”

Error Alert (optional): Similarly, you can set up an error message that will appear if the user enters data that does not match the validation criteria. For example, you can write “Please select either ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ for this cell.”

Step 5: Apply the Validation

Click on the “OK” button in the Data Validation dialog box to apply the validation to the selected cell.

Step 6: Test the Yes/No Selection

Now, when you click on the cell, a small drop-down arrow will appear. Click on it, and you’ll see the options “Yes” and “No.” Users can choose either of these options, and the cell will only accept “Yes” or “No” as valid entries.

With these simple steps, you’ve successfully added a Yes/No selection in a cell using cell validation in Microsoft Excel. This feature can be quite useful in various scenarios, such as surveys, questionnaires, or any situation where you need clear-cut responses. Excel’s cell validation empowers you to maintain data integrity and ensures that the data entered meets the required criteria.

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